These tips work for all face painting. Clowning, Krumping, Painting Up
1. Start with a clean face. If you have sensitive skin- put a light layer of moisturizer on.
2. Using the makeup sponge, spread a thin layer of base makeup onto the face (for powder make-up- wet the sponge) using a stroking motion. Even out any inconsistencies and lines in the makeup by adding more or thinning heavy areas. For a smooth finished look, pat the base makeup with the make up sponge.
3. "Setting" your base makeup is next. First you need to "pack" your powder puff. To do this: pour about a tablespoon of your super white (fair for Auguste) theatrical face powder onto your powder puff. Now take both sides of the puff and rub them together using a back and forth rubbing pattern. When almost all of your powder seems to have disappeared into the powder puff, you are ready to begin. Pat powder puff lightly onto the base makeup. Do not skip the setting of your makeup. When you do not set your face makeup, it tends to soften and the colors start to blend together. Thus creating a melting effect instead of nice crisp colors.
4. Adding Color and Design. This is where your individual design preferences come in. Do you want solid large designs? The large areas like the mouth, around the eyes, or large designs can be filled in using the makeup sponge. The crayons come in handy to draw the outline of the area to be filled in first, thus eliminating design mistakes. Do you want fine details? Use a paint brush (if you use a cheap one, you will be picking the hairs out of your creation). Paint on the details with the brush. After each color, you need to "set" the color. Use your neutral set face powder and powder puff to lightly press the powder into the color. Setting each color as you use it prevents your colors from smearing or blending into each other.
5. Rouge. Yes, even the boy's! I prefer a cream rouge for the men. It has a brighter look. If you are doing a girl clown, think about trying a powder rouge. It's look is very soft and pretty. You can apply the cream rouge with either your fingers or your makeup sponge. With the powder rouge, dampen your make up sponge and apply lightly. "Set" your rouge with your neutral set face powder.
The Whiteface
There are two basic types of Whiteface:
One is called the Neat Whiteface and has simple features with black and red accent colors. The mouth is your own mouth size and there is no false nose; sometimes the end of the nose is painted with red.
The second, called the Comedy Whiteface, has bold features that are often in colors other than red and black. This type of clown often uses a false nose.
Because the Auguste is the most comical and silly character, his face has the most distorted and fun style. His actions are larger than the other styles and his facial features are created larger to match, with lip outlines far beyond the actual lips and an eye area that stretches up onto the forehead!The Auguste
The Tramp or Hobo/Bag Lady
While the Whiteface and Auguste Clowns have their origins in the European Circus, the Tramp or Hobo clown is of American origin. The bag lady is the female counterpart to the Tramp or Hobo and has evolved even as homeless women have appeared on the streets alongside males.
This character uses a base of flesh colored pink or tan. Designs usually include a beard and highlights of white around the eyes and mouth.
The Tramp usually wears a forlorn expression and the Hobo is happy and always wears a smile.The BagLady can be either happy or sad.
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